Pool Upgrades and Lightning Fast Internet

We’ve been busy, so you can work faster and enjoy your stay at the Superior Oasis.
Our internet speed tests have shown pretty incredible results. As fast as 12 down and 24 up. Now that’s High Speed Internet!!

We’ve also been working on some visual and design upgrades to our pool, bringing to life incredible Marquette themed scenes to the pool design. You can now enjoy a bright, artistic and relaxing visit to our pool while you’re staying in Marquette, MI.

Oh, almost forgot; we’re wrapping up our HD TV installation too. Our guests get to enjoy HDTV with all the greatest channel options. We’re excited to be able to bring you this new service and look forward to hearing your feedback.

Summer is teasing us up here in the Upper Peninsula, but don’t kid yourself; it’s time to start planning for your Superior Oasis getaway. We can’t wait to greet you and help you enjoy your stay!